
Friday, August 26, 2016

Baby Thoughts

I tried something new with this one. Writing from the perspective of a character that knows nothing, that doesn't think in full thoughts and doesn't even use words - it's a challenge. I think I have a start on how to handle it, but I'm not entirely pleased with the result. I may rewrite this another time.

Let me know what you think.

Muffled voices. The voices were Outside. Inside was Hot and Tight and Hungry. She wanted Out. Pushing, scratching, wiggling, biting - the Hard cracked, and there was Light. Light and Cold. She panted, resting a moment as she looked at the Light and felt the Cold. The Hard was still in the way. Stopping her from getting to the Out. Out where the voices were. More pushing, more wiggling, more scratching. The Hard snapped under her soft claws and she wobbled, spilling out of the Hard into the Light and Cold.

She squeaked, startled by the Big and the Cold all around. There was still Hungry. Where was the Not-Hungry? She squeaked again, floundering. Her limbs felt awkward and weak, like the world was tipping back and forth under her. She wobbled and squeaked at the floor to hold still. It didn’t. She squeaked at the voices to give her food. Where was the Warm? Where was the Not-Hungry? She staggered forward, tangled her legs together and fell with a squawk of dismay.

A new voice joined the others - higher, louder. Little One squeaked in protest, but a moment later, Warm wrapped around her, and lifted her off the Hard Cold ground. The higher voice spoke again, and the deeper ones answered. Thin arms supported her and the Soft Warm, carrying her away from the Bright Cold and to another place that smelled of things that would make Not-Hungry.


  1. This is such a cool writing exercise! I like how this little one thinks. :) I must admit, at first I was tempted to picture a sparrow, or small bird hatching from an egg in a next. Then, I began wondering if this might be a dragon, hatching in a far off land. I kind of like the dragon angle better. :P

  2. When I wrote it, it was with a baby dragon in mind. :) Definitely more fun that way. But then I thought that if I didn't specify what it was, it would leave more room for the reader to interpret. I might tweak it some more, maybe rewrite it, and submit it for publication somewhere.
