:) Let me know if you have any ideas or input. This show is all about audience voting, anyway.
"Next, you will participate in the Rebirth Games for the survival of your planet and your species."
Kasi turned and saw a floating, sourceless light, blue-white like stars and fading in and out of the visible spectrum as it spoke, which make it hard to concentrate on the words it was saying.
"For the purpose of the Games, you will select a Team member to become your Queen, and one to be a Tribute to another Team. The Queen will need to bear and birth at least one Player during the course of the next two weeks, so please keep that in mind when making your selection."
"Wait. What do you mean 'birth' another Player? You mean… as a baby?" Saif looked stunned, his shaggy hair sticking out at odd angles over his ears as he ran a hand through it and glanced anxiously at his Partner.
"That is correct," agreed the shining light, then continued without missing a beat, as if this were all perfectly normal. "Your chosen Tribute will be given to an opposing Queen to be rebirthed at the end of the Games, in 2 week's time. Any physical damage to other Players or Arena equipment may be penalized. You will be challenged to various Tasks at regular intervals throughout the Games. Completing these Tasks and interacting with the other Teams will earn you Points. The Team with the most Points at the end of the Games is declared Victor, earning safety for their planet until the next Games. Am I understood?"
There was a long beat of silence as they all stared at the hovering light, as though waiting for a 'ha, I fooled you!' moment. But it didn't come. Kasi shook her head a little and answered slowly.
"It's a lot to take in. How much time do we have?"
:You're being awfully calm about this,: observed Myrna, and Kasi sensed a mild sort of impressed feeling from her Partner.
:Maybe it seems that way, but I feel like I'm standing on rotten ice. The idea of being part of an interstellar game-show for the survival of our planet is kind of unreal, you know?: Kasi shook her head a little, though she knew there was no need to do so. Myrna couldn't see her, and those who could wouldn't understand.
"You have two hours in which to make your choices. If you have any injuries or other physical needs, address your request to the Receiver." Without any visible change, the shiny thing somehow indicated the far wall, which was apparently blank, save for a small black triangle near the base of the wall.
"Thank you. We will… discuss the matter." Kasi made an awkward sort of bow to the light, which gave the impression of a regal nod before floating away. When the thing was gone (the phrase "Higher Ones" popped into Kasi's mind, much to Myrna's amusement) she turned to the rest of her little group. "Okay, guys. You all heard what's going on. What do you think?"
Who should be the Queen for Team Cronis?
A) Kasilia
B) Myrna
C) Renee
B) Myrna
C) Renee
Voting open until Part 4.
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